All things environment and the perils of our planet are very much topical in the news at the moment. The world is being deeply affected by things like Carbon Emissions and Global warming. We are seeing this through warmer summers and longer Winters.
There is less ice in Antarctica than ever before with the polar bears being put at risk because of this. Animals and their habitats are in danger, forests are being destroyed. Something needs to be done.
The government and many businesses have taken action by charging for carrier bags in the shops to discourage the use of single time plastic bags. Shops are now selling reusable bags with a variety of prints coming in lots of different styles to appeal to the consumer. Restaurants are changing from plastic cutlery and straws for takeaway into paper and wood, so that they can become more eco-friendly with biodegradable products that are better for the planet.
We’ve seen Greta Thunberg take a stand and become famous for saving the planet. We’ve seen the Extinction rebellion activists lay in roads and throw food at paintings in protest for the environment. It is something that has been talked about a lot often with some controversy. The big question for many people is what's the deal and what can we do to help the planet in our everyday lives.
Last month was World Earth Day, but awareness doesn’t stop there. We all need to do our bit to help save the planet. WhatsonUK has curated 4 little changes you can make in your everyday life to help the planet!
1. A summer time walk or cycle
Image credits: Pixabay
An easy fix that’s not only good for the planet but good for you! Get on your bike or walk short distances instead of driving to work/ school or to socialize to help reduce your carbon footprint. You can also save money on the petrol as there are lots of deals on public transport. If the weather is a bit gloomy (after all this is Britain!) you can get the bus or train as an alternative as this is a small change that is better for the climate!
It is really easy to plan your journey with public transport by booking on the trainline app or the National Express website. There is so much to see with Birmingham having beautiful outdoor spaces to explore as well like The Botanical Gardens, so whilst you’re commuting take a look around. This can be really good for your mind!
2 Shopping
Image credits: Pixabay
Make better choices in the shops to help save the planet. This can be a really quick fix by just being mindful when choosing items like fish for example checking on the packaging that it is sustainably sourced. Try to get free range items too when you can! Lots of shops are now offering food items with minimal packaging or packaging that is biodegradable that can be recycled.
For fashion, make sure to go to sustainable brands or charity shops for your clothes. Fast fashion isn’t the best for the planet! You can find some really unique pieces in charity shops! Another big thing to try is shopping at smaller businesses like ones on Etsy or Ebay as they are creating less carbon emissions as they are functioning on a smaller scale therefore you are able to be a fashionista style icon and a planet saver.
3. Reuse and recycle
Image credits: Pixabay
When it comes to cleaning products lots of companies including M&S are offering a service where you can recycle your old containers and also get refillable items so that you can reuse the original packaging. Lots of beauty companies offer this service too like L'occitane for example you can get a percentage of the product free incorporated within the cost of the original product if you buy the refilled to refill your original bottle.
Don’t forget that lots of big chain coffee shops offer discounts if you bring in a reusable coffee cup, so you can enjoy your favorite treats, save money and save the planet all at the same time!
4. Water bottles and Tupperware
Image credits: Pixabay
Instead of buying bottled water from the supermarket, save some of that well earnt cash and invest in a reusable water bottle or cup, so you don’t have to keep buying water. Nowadays there are lots of cute prints and shapes of bottles, so there will definitely be something to suit your style or aesthetic.
Stanley cups are very popular right now. Primark and B&M are selling dupes of these! Using reusable tupperware instead of foil or cling film when preparing your lunch is a good way to cut costs and to reduce your waste.
For more information on how you can get involved with climate change and environment fight visit …
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