Code Your Future: UX & Web Dev Bootcamp Liftoff this Week!
Ready to ditch the ordinary and become a digital design superhero? Buckle up, because your epic transformation WhatsOn IT Academy starts in just days. Our immersive Front-End Web Development & UX Bootcamp blasts off this week, on 23 December launching you into a world of code, creativity, and career-defining skills.

In just a few days, you'll:

- Wield the power of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, building stunning websites that captivate users.

- Master the art of UX design, crafting user-centric experiences that win hearts and clicks.

- Unleash your inner coding ninja with APIs and modern web app development.

- Dive into industry-standard tools like Git, Github, and Netlify, learning like the pros. ️

- Shape your destiny with real-world projects and a portfolio that screams "hire me!"

Whether you're a blank slate tech newbie or a seasoned pro seeking a skill boost, this bootcamp is your launchpad to success. Join a vibrant community of learners and industry experts, guided by experienced mentors who'll turn your curiosity into code-slinging confidence.

Don't just dream of a digital future – grab it with both hands! Seats are filling fast, so secure your spot and embark on your coding adventure today!

Get hands-on:

- Real-world projects: Build a portfolio that screams "hire me!"

- Industry-standard tools: Git, Github, Netlify – learn what the pros use.

- Agile development: Work like a team and ship code like a rockstar.

This bootcamp is for:

- Beginners starting fresh in tech.

- Designers & project managers adding coding superpowers.

- Anyone seeking a career boost in web development.

Level up your IT game with our lightning-fast bootcamps! Whether you're starting fresh or looking for a tech switch, WhatsOn IT Academy got the program to launch your career.

May your bootcamp launch a thousand brilliant digital careers!

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