Over the years we've seen numerous tattoo-based TV programs where the art of skin-deep art is the name of the art; LA INK, Miami INK and Tattoo Fixers. And of course, Just Tattoo of Us but here's six guys who not only work together on creating beautiful skin art for people but also make regular annual events around the art of tattooing itself. Here, Three Kings Tattoo talk about what inspired them to take up the profession and why it's genuinely an art form
Now you've been going for three years, what's the journey been like for everyone involved?
Well, I can’t speak for the other guys at the shop but for me it has really been a labor of love. I have put my blood sweat and tears into the shop, very literally. From doing a large part of the renovations with my business partner ourselves to setting up every little last detail, it has been and continues to be so much work. My artwork has had to sometimes take a little bit of a back seat to other shop issues and details but its slowly but surely starting to pay off. My clientele has been steadily building and we’re making a name for ourselves here in London.
For those who haven't heard about Three Kings Tattoo tell us a bit about it
Three Kings started in Brooklyn NY in 2008 and it was all about bringing high quality tattoo art to people in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. As an artist when I first started working at Three Kings, I felt like I had finally found like-minded people. Having tattooed for 15 years in various shops and with lots of different people my years with and as an owner of a Three Kings is by far the best.
So, would it be fair to say that the team dynamics are similar to that seen on LA INK, Miami INK and Tattoo Fixers?
I haven’t really seen much of these shows so I can’t really speak to this unfortunately. But at my shop we all get along and laugh with each other all day long. People often leave reviews about how they had so much fun with us while being tattooed.
What is about tattooing that first attracted you to it both as a career and artform?
I’ve always been an artist and when I graduated college, I struggled with what to do for a living. Tattooing seemed like a great way to be an artist and make a realistic living as being a fine artist is extremely difficult and competitive.
Considering what it is you do and the amount of time, attention to detail and design that it involves you could easily call it an art form
Yeah definitely, in my opinion it’s the ultimate form of art as the art is attached to a living organ for the person’s entire life. It is a real honor to be able to give people art that they will wear forever.
Now the same itself, Three Kings Tattoo, actually quite intrigued by that name, where did it come from?
The name came from the Brooklyn NY shop. It was originally 3 tattoo artists and the first shop was in Brooklyn, which is known as Kings County. So, I have partnered with the 2 remaining owners for the London shop so there’s still 3 of us. And as a native New Yorker I love the little connection with my roots.
Going back to the Three Kings Tattoo event, you've held this last year, what was the reaction to it?
It was great! We had a line waiting outside before we started and we tattooed a lot of people. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it and love the designs and we got instant and good feedback about our goody bags which people did utilize on the day!
Now for anyone getting a tattoo what advice would you give them?
I always say to people you should first find an artist whose work you really like because then you’ll like what they draw for you. It’s good to have an idea of what you want but to also let the artist do their thing. I also recommend not trying to put too much meaning and ideas into one tattoo.
And finally, can we expect another Three Kings Tattoo event next year in 2024?
Yeah, for sure, it will be a yearly tradition for us to have a flash day for our anniversary! So, stay tuned and each year
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