The Tories are becoming stronger and bolder in their attacks on the basic rights. The right to strike and general right to protest are being attacked and are halted and reversed.
On Monday 22 the strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill comes back to the House of Commons. The TUC has called a protest outside Parliament for that evening. Which deserves to be strongly supported.
Right to strike being scrapped
What is the backdrop of the Protest?
The economic backdrop remains bleak. Even if double-digit inflation does fall back, prices will still be rising rapidly. The country is the worst in the G7 in terms of growth, both since before the pandemic began. Also, according to IMF and other forecaster.
Why the Bill return?
This is the backdrop to this Bill and to all the efforts to curb union participation and militancy. The Public Order Act is a draconian piece of legislation to curb fundamental rights of assembly, protest and even to vote. During the coronation, the authoritarian measures was showcased. They effectively allow ministerial direction to curb protests from people the government does not agree with.
People strike against the Bill
Role of Union
It is the unions that have been on strike and many who continue to take industrial actions. The big battalions in the fight against this rotten government and its policies. The strike wave has been extraordinary on its scope and duration. The inertia of dwindling industrial action over decades has been decisively broken. One of the crucial factors is that the strikes have worked, and union members know it.
What is the outcome expectation?
On the strike Bill, there is no prospect of overturning it and blocking it from becoming law now. The protest on 22 May, must be used as a stepping stone for an increase in campaigning against all the anti-strike legislation and all the authoritarian anti-civil rights law. Labor have set out its plan to restore collective bargaining, with binding rights for unions and their members. This should be strongly resisted: rights are universal or they are not really rights at all.
Right to Strike
The right to strike has always been a key weapon in the fight for better living standards as well as for social justice. We cannot — and must not — allow this generation to be the one that allowed that right to be removed.
WhatsOn Stands in support of the strike for the Bill!!!
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