Environmental experts called for urgent actions from Westminster today after scientists predicted a 66% chance of global temperature to rise.
Global average temperature of more than 1.5°C will be recorded over the next five years. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) claimed that there is 98% chance of hottest year record being broken. The 1.5 degree Celsius mark above pre-industrial levels has never been crossed before, but with current records it being 1.28 degree Celsius.
Climate experts call for urgent actions
What can be the Impact?
The record will likely come from a combination of greenhouse gases and a naturally occurring El Nino event. A heating of the eastern Pacific which affects rainfall and temperature globally. At the levels of global heating we’re already seeing, communities around the world are experiencing the devastating consequences of climate change, despite having done very little to cause it. Our climate and natural world is in breakdown. The reason for this is being the burning of fossil fuels.
What are the remedies for this?
With the energy crisis bringing into focus the need to rapidly roll out green solutions. Such as a programme of street-by-street insulation and onshore wind. Greenpeace UK chief scientist Doug Parr said that the report must be a “rallying cry to intensify global efforts” to tackle the crisis.
Word from MWO
The Global Effort!
It is time for united international action to put a stop to their profiteering before it is too late. Greenpeace UK chief scientist Doug Parr said that, “rallying cry to intensify global efforts” to tackle the crisis."
Despite this, the government continues to drive us all into further climate chaos by opening new coalmines, offering new oil and gas licences and spending billions on building new roads. Therefore, it is necessary to take adequate amount of actions for creating a ecological balance.
Pre-industrial mark of temperature rising
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