Looking for a new song that will capture your attention and leave you feeling inspired? Look no further. In this article, Music editor Adam Humphreys has suggested a carefully curated song that we believe you will love. Get ready to discover something new and let the music take you on a journey.
Fellow Robot release huge glacier-like force on the ears - 'Crash & Burn'!
Don't quite know what it is about relationship breakdowns that makes them such great topics for records but whatever it is it seems to be working. Crash and Burn by Fellow Robot tags onto the relationships where communication, trust and basic human faith in each other seems to have completely collapsed. The only positive to come from the post breakup is that it can be dealt with amicably even when the trust itself has been completely destroyed by a total breach in trust.
Fellow Robot frontman, Anthony Pedroza, co-wrote the song with his music partner when they were going through a rough patch and not knowing if they'd still be collaborating on music projects together
FREDDIE & THE SCENARIOS - release debut album having unearthed musical gold in Mexico! - Answer Machine
Freddie Cowan's long awaited debut album is finally here, and it's an absolute corker. You be hard gripped to think of a reason as to not listen after just hearing out the first couple of tracks.
After being part of one of the biggest bands on the British music scene for over a decade Freddie has obviously taken notes on how to take his own reins and reinvent himself as the frontman. Sonic Boom, All Above, Begin Again and Sensi are just three incredible tracks to listen to. Be sure to hear the intro track, Answer Machine. Only a minute long but still worth it.
Begin Again video
Whilst you're at it take a look at their video for Begin Again. A 6-minute creative visual, they must've taken a couple of tips from Disclosure, you'll see what I mean
Terry Emm escapes to a desert island in video for new single - ‘Island Soul’!
Once again Terry has demonstrated that he is as musically talented as the artists he promotes. Seriously, give this man a guitar as space to get creative as well as a platform to put his vocals into action and he's right up there.
Island Soul is based on a song Terry wrote as a teenager. The inspiration comes from those small 'magical moments' when touring musicians stay in hotels as per the norm. Imagination takes a ride and they find themselves living in a fantasy paradise. In this case on secluded island with that special someone
Check out the video, it's just as imaginative as the song itself
Anthony Wright - No Me Without You
Released over a decade ago by British singer songwriter Anthoney Wright, No Me Without You, is a sort of love story that is filled with that sweet sentiment. Pouring your heart out isn't always that easy unless you know what it is that you are really meaning to say. A bit like with Adele, Holly Henderson and Gary Kemp to name but a handful, Anthony appears to have grasped it and know how to translate it into words on paper.
No Me is a heartfelt message that a great many of those who've experienced the emotion of love will get; that special someone you love will always be with you no matter where you both are.
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