February this year saw the twentieth anniversary of the passing of my mother and one of the things that she instilled in me was a love of the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan. It was therefore a great pleasure to be able to attend the production by the Birmimgham Savoyards at the Old Rep Theatre of the Pirates of Penzance and to once again appreciate something of the legacy which she has left to me.Each operetta contains a combination of the witty and charming lyrics of W.S. Gilbert and the beautiful melodies of Sir Arthur Sullivan and this is no exception. "The Pirates" tells the story of Frederic, an apprentice pirate (who should actually have been an apprentice pilot), who, upon reaching the age of twenty-one, will be released to "lead a blameless life henceforth." Much as he has enjoyed the company of the basically soft-hearted pirates, he dedicates himself to their eradication. Frederic's attentions are then diverted to a group of comely young maidens (in particular, Mabel) and he also meets their father, the eccentric Major-General. The story unfolds into an amusing conflict between the pirates and a police force reminiscent of the Keystone Cops, with, of course, a happy ending.The Savoyards put on an excellent production, with enjoyable music and singing and each of the principal players bringing out their character in a way that captured the humour intended by Gilbert. They have been described to me as being like a family and the rapport and chemistry were clear throughout this performance, with all aspects combining to make it a pleasure to watch and to listen to. I had a great evening and was also glad to be able to chat with some of the cast afterwards and to convey my thanks in person. I am especially grateful to Angela, the dedicated and hardworking Secretary of the Savoyards for arranging for me to do the review and I am already looking forward to next March and a return visit to the annual production at the Old Rep.Colin McIlwaine
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