Adam Humphries, the music editor for WhatsOn, recommends some recently released upbeat music to you. Let’s together, create a playlist and dance the rest of the week away. The week's top playlist is presented here.
Californian rock group Fellow Robot tease Andrew Scheps produced new album with hard hitting - "Talk To Me"
Californian rockers, Fellow Robot, have released their next single from their upcoming album. The song is called Talk To Me and is about reaching out to someone during their time of need. Anthony Pedroza, Robot's frontman has the vocal range that echoes that of late singer Chris Cornell in that he can carry a range of emotions. In a way it's almost like he's singing directly to you and you alone.
Talk To Me has something of a similar message as I Turn To You as it's about being there for someone but they need to help themselves first
They have been only been on the music scene in the States for nearly a decade yet when you listen to them you could easily believe that they've have been around for nearly as long as the artists who influence them. If Talk acts as a taster, then their album should be equally as addictive, an impressive musical creative mess.
Here's two videos to check out, the latter's interactive
Striking new Kety Fusco harp manipulations in - 'Starless'
Italian Harpist Kety Fusco has released her latest single, Starless, ahead of her upcoming performance at the Royal Albert Hall this Spring. As always Kety manages to mix together electronic, ambient sounds with her Harpist skills and create something so extraordinary it has an almost out-of-this-world feel to it.
For Starless, Kety goes that little bit further and involves the use of both human emotion as well as the mental psyche that, combined with the artistic visuals, evokes the psyche.
There are many artists that use the combination of music and art to create something that's meant to get more than just your musical ear. Kety cleverly uses the selected mediums to communicate something extra which isn't always done vocally. Either way Kety is an artistic musical genius.
Kety Fusco releases striking harp exploration ‘Starless’!
New album ‘The Harp, Chapter I’ to be launched at The Royal Albert Hall on 3rd March 2023.
Glasgow's Michael Hamilton releases hypnotic new electro single - 'Again and Again'
Musical maestro Michael Hamilton has dropped his new track, Again and Again. And once again he has shown that you don't always need vocals to make a great song. Whether or not Michael has a signature sound remains to be seen but give him Ambient and electronic sounds. He'll whip up a great tune that will definitely grab your attention.
Again and Again begins with an almost deliberate slow tone before gradually building itself up after a further few seconds. And then just when you're least expecting it Michael creates an almost different change in the song. Where it sounds somewhat different to what you began with. There's something near genius about doing it that way
Layout and Bushwacka - Love Story (Tim Deluxe Mix)
Released back in 2002 and featuring sampled vocals of American singer, Nina Simone. Love Story spent a week in the Top Ten UK Charts and was given a decent amount of airplay. For a song it was actually really good and became part of the club scene for a while, the only downside to it was that. Although it did get some attention, it didn't get as much as it should've got
Nina Simone's vocals are a great match for this electronic dance number as they can be heard straight through the beats and sounds.
This is evidenced clearly in a couple of sections of the track as Simone's vocals increase before fading out enabling the momentary instrumental part of the music flow to continue before coming back into the centre.
The accompanying video is interesting as it doesn't have much in the way of any reference to the song other than a woman dancing in a dark room with laser lighting
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