My Ladyboy Date was created out of the need for a decent dating site for Asian trans women. This was in 2013 when the word ladyboy was more commonly used in Asia than the word trans or transgender.
Now, the term ladyboy is considered offensive to many trans women around the world. In Asia, where the term originated, it’s also slowly falling out of fashion. So why does a popular and trustworthy niche dating site like My Ladyboy Date want to stay ladyboy-focused if the term brings so much criticism?
1. The term is still used by many Asian trans women
Different cultures have different practices. What might seem offensive to one might be well-accepted by others. Many Asian trans women still describe and refer to themselves as ladyboys. They are comfortable with using that term and it would be respectful to use it if that’s what they prefer.
2. There are still trans-oriented individuals who look for ladyboys.
There are trans-oriented men who seek out trans women for serious relationships particularly in Asia. Likewise, there are Asian ladyboys also looking for love but don’t know where to find it. My Ladyboy Date believes that trans love is real love. By keeping My Ladyboy Date online, the site can offer a safe and decent platform for trans dating.
3. The site helps with spreading awareness and education.
At the moment, there are those who prefer using the word ladyboy. But language does change with time. There might be a time when the word ladyboy becomes obsolete. Until then, the site wants to educate and spread awareness on what terms have evolved and which ones are politically correct.
It might be inevitable that the word ladyboy will be used less and less. But while this transition is happening, My Ladyboy Date actually takes into consideration the opinions of those who do not favor the term.
In fact, since the term wasn’t popular in the West, My Transsexual Date was created in 2014 for a more western audience. But although My Transsexual Date and My Ladyboy Date have two seperate site names, their databases are one and the same. Users who accessed either site could interact with each other.
What has My Ladyboy Date done to spread awareness and education?
Fairly recently, My Transsexual Date was rebranded to My Transgender Date to promote inclusivity. The term transsexual is still valid but, like the word ladyboy, it is slowly losing its popularity over the term transgender.
Cyril Mazur and Maki Gingoyon, co-founders
And just like My Transsexual Date, My Ladyboy Date is following suit. There is a whole page that explains the history and the meaning of the term ladyboy which is constantly updated to show the evolution of the term. Not only that, the site has integrated My Ladyboy Date with My Transgender Date. New users who sign up will be automatically redirected to My Transgender Date.
Inclusivity has always been one of the site’s many values regardless of what their name was. With their approach in spreading awareness and providing a safe space for trans dating, it’s no wonder how My Transgender Date remains the #1 dating site for trans women.
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