Become a foster carer with North Lincolnshire Council
By choosing to foster you can make a huge difference in a local young person’s life – and yours.
Leah, a care leaver shared her feelings towards being in care explaining, “Since being in care, I’ve been given the time and understanding to become the real me, more confident and comfortable in my own body…I want to go forwards and help more children like me, to give hope as my carers gave me.”
There are many reasons why children and young people are unable to live with their birth families or relatives. As an ‘Outstanding’ rated authority by Ofsted, it is our job to find safe, suitable, and loving environments for these young individuals to thrive in whilst they are in our care.
The people who provide these homes are foster carers and you could help a child to achieve their potential by joining our fostering family.
North Lincolnshire Council provides different types of foster care to meet the needs of our children and young people. How long you care for a foster child depends on the type of foster care you are approved for.
Foster carers come from all walks of life and don’t need any specific qualifications to help make a difference. If you are over the age of 21 with the room in your home and the time and love to give, our team wants to hear from you.
North Lincolnshire Council considers each application on an individual basis, regardless of whether you are:
Single, married, divorced, or in a relationship
heterosexual or LGBTQ+
disabled or able-bodied
in full-time or part-time employment or receiving benefits
have children of your own, or not
have previous experience working with children, or not
are a homeowner or renting.
We understand that fostering is a big decision which is why our expert team are on hand for support and advice about fostering and how it will fit into your life.
John Gregory, one of our foster carers spoke about his experience, “I always wanted to be a parent, and whilst I could have found a way around having my own child, I always said there are enough children in the world without homes and I wanted to help them.
“It took me a long time to take the step into fostering for fear of failing. It is daunting and can be scary, but, in the end, you won’t know until you give it a try – and if you are like me; I love it.
“I was apprehensive about taking on children with additional needs but one of my foster children has special needs, disabilities, and delayed development alongside medical issues. He is my pride and joy – he has faced so much and still comes out smiling, not letting the world phase him. I cannot imagine my life without him and the joy he brings me with all his achievements. My other moment of pride has been seeing another foster child going to university to be an English teacher – seeing him grow and develop into the fine young man he is now.
“I’ve learned as a foster carer it is important to take some time for yourself, as people we play many roles, but you are also you; you need time for yourself and to recharge your batteries in order to function well. Also, a lot of people can be put off by teenagers, I would say, don’t be. Most of the young people I have cared for have been teenagers and young people with additional needs and I can honestly say, I love it and it’s the most rewarding job I have ever done, even though it does not feel like a job; they are my family.”
Our fostering team is here to support you throughout the entire process from initial application to being approved and once a child is placed, the support network is there 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you’ve ever thought about fostering or are interested to find out more, please get in touch and join our fostering family:
01724 297024
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