Rail services crippled as 40,000 RMT members walk out for the second day. Wokers have accused Government for becoming the obstacle in the path of negotiation. Also British Airway workers have voted to strike for pay dispute.
Vladimir Lenin has considered worker's strike "extremely necessary" for equality of society. He thought that capitalism must necessarily lead to a struggle of the workers against the employers, and when production is on a large scale the struggle eventually leads to "strike". This rail strike is the example of this words and thoughts of both Lenin and Marx coming to live. RMT members once again have shown their strength on the second day of the national rail strike. More than 40,000 members were on strike crippling the whole rail network Nation wide. This shows power of workers strike and how inevitable part of society they are.
rail strike second day
The workers are striking against the multilayer pay freeze and lack of job security, and also Network Rail and train operating companies threatening for necessary redundancies. RMT general secretary said that "our members are leading the pathway in standing up for all working people trying to get a pay rise and some job security." They have claimed that the government are coming in their way of negotiation with these companies, who have been exploiting their workers. The Strike action for Saturday remains in its place as the negotiation is going on.
Rail stations including London, Euston, London Paddington, Edinburg Waverly, and Liverpool Lime Street saw lesser travelers amid the strike. Prime Minister have Boris Jonhson have claimed for reform in rail system. His 'reform' includes withdrawing of billions in funding and axing thousands of staff. Government have been accused of working closely in favor of the companies rather supporting the worker's movement.
The union is demanding guarantee for no compulsory redundancies for 2022, no unagreed changes of terms and conditions. And a pay increase which reflects the rising cost of living. Also the British Airways (BA) workers at Heathrow airport have voted to strike in dispute over pay today. They are also dealing with "untold abuse" and travel chaos while having their pay slashed. BA is treating their workers as "second-class citizen" this is a insult of its worker force.
British Airways strike
In a capitalist society, wealth belongs to small number people called elitist while major people remain in poverty. The wages paid to the workers can only meet their bare subsistence and rest goes to the owners. This creates a disparity in the income and also in their class. In modern society the workers need peace of mind , good condition and pay raise. That is why Marx had called for "uniting workers". We in WhatsOn stand in solidarity with the working class movement for their rights and equality. Read more about Rail strike in- https://whatson.guide/uk-rail-strike-continues-in-action/
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