Curbing on to the feminist freedom of choice US government passes another law. US Supreme Court had decided to pass an anti-abortion law. This law is met by various protests as abortion is illegal in states like Louisiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma and South Dakota. Others states are all geared up to outlaw this anti-abortion law. Supreme Court’s new law has raised a question in everyone’s mind. The whole law acts to turn down the trust of the masses that they had till 50 years.
Hereby is the following list, all you need to know about-
Anti-Abortion Law1. Texas upon anti-abortion law-
The basic rights of liberty stand violated upon upfronting this abortion law by the supreme court. Texas had already uplifted a hold on providing abortions before Roe v. Wade. They have already passed this law into effect, says the attorney general of Texas. The trigger ban in Texas wont effect until 30 days, after the ruling of the Supreme Court.
Abortion Law US Supreme Court
2. Curtailing Female Liberty-
26 states are willingly putting a ban to this anti-abortion law. Roe is not included in this list. 13 states have already enacted automatic bans within days and even hours upon this passage of law. The consequences of this abortion law are many. There are several health issues upon not confirming to abortion at the right time by a person. It curtails the possibility of liberty among women who are unwilling for child birth. The urgent need of abortion might be due to incapability of raising a child. There had also been a restriction in buying the abortion-pill as this violates the law passed by the supreme court.
3.Protest for the law-
Anti-abortion has raised the fever of upheaval in many places. This upheaval is all about the ban of the anti-abortion law. The freedom is at stake. Freedom of choice is something every citizen should get. This law curbs many of the social freedom of a woman. She is subjected to some unnecessary restriction against her choice.
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